RCHE Membership
If you are interested in becoming an RCHE Member, please review the details below to determine which tier might be the proper fit and then use the following form link to submit an application.
About Our Membership Tiers
All membership tiers require that the member demonstrates research interests and activities in healthcare engineering, population-health, health data science, or complementary research areas that aim to impact and improve healthcare or population-health.
Depending on the qualification criteria satisfied, the member will be designated in one of the following three tiers, (i) Full Member, (ii) Associate Member, and (iii) Affiliate Member.
The RCHE Member Program is new and will continue to evolve, bringing greater benefits to the members. Any adjustments to the benefits will be clearly communicated in a timely fashion to all impacted faculty.
Full Member
Qualifications (must meet a minimum of three):
- Principal or co-investigator (% effort) on peer-reviewed, healthcare engineering or population-health related grants from approved* federal entities
- Investigators with an active history of healthcare engineering or population-health related, collaborative publications within the past three years
- Investigators with an active history of healthcare engineering or population-health related funding in the past five years and who are in the process of seeking related funding from approved* federal entities
- Serve in a leadership role at the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering
- Newly recruited† faculty with healthcare engineering focused research that do not yet have relevant grants from approved* federal entities
- Newly recruited† faculty with an active history of healthcare engineering related publications
* Approved federal entities include National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Federal Office of Rural Health Policy.
† This category includes individuals who have received, in collaboration with an academic unit, direct financial support or research space from RCHE as part of a recruitment package.
- Subsidized access to the RCHE Data Hub and technical/data support
- Opportunity to apply for targeted seed funding to support the development of a future federal level application
- Engagement with peers to support cross-functional development of funding proposals
- Subsidized administrative support for proposal development as well as submission of DUAs and IRBs
- Potential scholarship opportunities for aligned students
- Opportunity for students to participate in the Graduate Student Seminar series (link for details)
- Reserved space within RCHE for students working on interdisciplinary projects to facilitate collaboration with peers in other academic units
- Potential for travel grants to support conference engagement
- Annual review letter as feedback from the RCHE Director to your respective department Head/Dean to support and recognize your contributions and to bolster their documentation of your engagement and collaborative efforts to support advancement within your academic unit
- Advance RCHE’s short- and long-term goals, mission and vision and contribute to their definition, evolution, and progression
- Engage in interdisciplinary activities with peers in a common thematic area
- Collaborate on funding applications with other center members
- Identify RCHE for credit on appropriate sponsored program applications
- Identify RCHE in the faculty affiliation on papers, conference processing and all other dissemination venues
- Submit quarterly feedback to RCHE on proposals, awards, and publications
Associate Member
The associate member demonstrates an interest and research activity in healthcare engineering or population-health related research but does not qualify as a full member. Associate members are invited to attend program meetings and events to encourage the development of collaborative research.
Associate members do not qualify for subsidized rates for the Data Hub or targeted seed funding. However, specific requests will be considered based on their merit and a case-by-case basis. RCHE encourages associate members to be co-investigators with full members and/or other associate members to promote and build emerging healthcare engineering focused research.
Associate members will be considered for promotion to full members when they satisfy the full membership criteria.
- Engagement with peers to support cross-functional development of funding proposals
- Subsidized administrative support for proposal development as well as submission of DUAs and IRBs
- Potential scholarship opportunities for aligned students
- Opportunity for students to participate in the Graduate Student Seminar series (link for details)
- Reserved space within RCHE for students working on interdisciplinary projects to facilitate collaboration with peers in other academic units
- Annual review letter as feedback from the RCHE Director to your respective department Head/Dean to support and recognize your contributions and to bolster their documentation of your engagement and collaborative efforts to support advancement within your academic unit
- Advance RCHE’s short- and long-term goals, mission and vision and contribute to their definition, evolution, and progression
- Engage in interdisciplinary activities with peers in a common thematic area
- Collaborate on funding applications with other center members
- Identify RCHE for credit on appropriate sponsored program applications
- Identify RCHE in the faculty affiliation on papers, conference processing and all other dissemination venues
- Submit quarterly feedback to RCHE on proposals, awards, and publications
Affiliate Member
The affiliate member is engaged in healthcare engineering or population-health related research as documented by a strong record of peer-reviewed publications directly relevant to healthcare engineering in active collaboration with a full member. This membership will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may include those at other research institutions. If the evidence of strong collaboration dissipates, then the membership of the candidate will be re-evaluated.
Affiliate members will be considered for promotion to full or associate members when they satisfy the respective membership criteria.
- Engagement with peers to support cross-functional development of funding proposals
- Opportunity for students to participate in the Graduate Student Seminar series (link for details)
- Engage in interdisciplinary activities with peers in a common thematic area
- Collaborate on funding applications with other center members
- Identify RCHE for credit on sponsored program applications
- Identify RCHE in the faculty affiliation on papers, conference processing and all other dissemination venues
- Submit bi-annual feedback to RCHE on proposals, awards, and publications