Updates from the Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering
In an effort to better align our resources and strengthen the services that we provide to our stakeholders and communities, we have re-envisioned the Purdue Healthcare Advisors and the re-allocation of services directly through RCHE and the Purdue Technical Assistance Program (TAP). The Purdue led portion of the I-HOPE program and health equity analysts will remain with RCHE under the guidance of Holly Wood. Quality and lean services have become part of HealthTAP, formerly healthcare TAP, a reconfigured organization overseen by Mat Trampski. HealthTAP will continue the PHA legacy by providing technical assistance throughout the state for entities in the healthcare system. These decisions were made after much evaluation and consideration in an effort to better position RCHE for continued success and greater impact in developing a proactive, patient-centered, and wellness-focused healthcare delivery system.
To connect with RCHE or I-HOPE staff, please email rche@purdue.edu.
To connect with TAP, Quality/Lean services, or CORE-ECI staff, please visit https://tap.purdue.edu.