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RCHE faculty publications in 2012

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B chul Kwon, Z Dong, KS Yehle, KS Plake, LM Yahiro, S Kranz, JS Yi. Food for the Heart: Lessons Learned while Designing a Visual Decision Support System for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Advances in Human Aspects of Healthcare. Chapter 8. July 2012.

B Kwon, I Hur, JS Yi. A review of web-based dietary interventions: From the human–computer interaction practitioners' perspective.Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries. June 2012.

DePalma G, Xu H, Covinsky KE, Craig BA, Stallard E, Thomas III J, Sands LP. Hospital Readmission among Older Adults Who Return Home With Unmet Need for ADL Disability. The Gerontologist, online, doi:10.1093/geront/gns103

Dutta, M. (2012). Communication social change: Structure, culture, agency. Taylor & Francis.

Edwardsen, EA; Reis, S; Morse, DS; Gurnsey, MG; Taupin, A; Shields, CG; Griggs, J; McDaniel, SH. "Physician dialogues with advanced cancer patients: mostly patient-friendly but often physician-directed". International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine. 2012.

Hunte HER, Barry AE. The association between perceived discrimination and DSM-IV based alcohol and illicit drug use disorders in the National Survey of American Lives. American Journal of Public Health. 12/2012.

Hunte HER,Mentz G, House JS, Schultz AJ, Williams DR, Morenoff J, Elliot MR, White-Perkins DM. Correlates of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in the Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment and Control of High Blood Pressure in Two Large Urban Cities. Ethnicity and Disease. 12/2012.

Jacob, Mithun George, Juan Pablo Wachs, Rebecca A. Parker. Hand-gesture-based sterile interface for the operating room using contextual cues for the navigation of radiological images. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. December 2012.

KS Yehle, AMH Chen, KS Plake, JS Yi, AR Mobley.A Qualitative Analysis of Coronary Heart Disease Patient Views of Dietary Adherence and Web-Based and Mobile-Based Nutrition Tools. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 32 (4), 203-209. July 2012.

Nuti, L., Lawley, M., Turkcan, A., Tian, Z., Zhang, L., Chang, K., Willis, D. Sands, L. “Diabetic Patients that No-show to their Primary Care Appointments: Subsequent Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations” Biomed Central (BMC) Health Services Research, doi:10.1186/1472-6963-12-304,12:304, 2012.

Sands LP, Xu H, Thomas III J, Paul S, Craig BA, Rosenman M, Doebbeling CC, Weiner M. Volume of Home and Community Based Services and Time to Nursing-home Placement, Medicare and Medicaid Research Review, 2(3), E1–E21, 2012.

Shippee, Tetyana Pylypiv, Markus H. Schafer, and Kenneth F. Ferraro. 2012. “Beyond the Barriers: Racial Discrimination and Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Black Americans.” Social Science and Medicine74: 1155-1162.

Turkcan, A., Zeng, B., Lawley, M., “Chemotherapy Operations Planning and Scheduling” IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 2(1), 31-49, 2012.

Xu H, Covinsky KE, Stallard E, Thomas III J, Sands LP. Insufficient Help for ADL Disabilities and Risk for all-cause Hospitalization, in press, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,60;927-933, 2012.

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